Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A Mommy Update

Since I'm using this blog as sort of a "crude" journal that someday Anna will have to read about her first year (few years), I thought I'd give an update on how and what her mom is up to.

I was recently watching Oprah (which I try to avoid since it plays into the entire "stay-at-home mom" stereotype) and the show was about the truth about motherhood. She interviewed moms from across the country of all different ages and nationalities. Basically, it was a full hour about how horrible motherhood is. These women seemed to hate themselves and their lives, claiming that the children THEY decided to have ruined their lifestyles and their plans.

The truth is, I literally couldn't relate to any of it. I didn't agree with anything they said and came to an amazing realization. Some women are not meant to be mothers and some are. I am one of those women that was put on this earth to be a mom - no questions asked. Granted, I've only been a mom for eight months and have not experienced the teenage years yet, but I've enjoyed everyday of Anna. I never thought I could love something this deeply. I never thought I would sit in my bed each morning with Anna and Bill and feel truly happy looking at my little family. I have no regrets. I have no sadness. I only have happiness and love.

Here's the Mommy Update:
I'm a "stay-at-home" working mother! Yes, I have the best of both worlds. I work from home for an old client. I work when I have time and when my mom and Billy can watch Anna. It's perfect. I'm not making the money I used to, but it all evens out considering we don't have to pay for a nanny. I LOVE staying at home. If I can continue on with the current working situation, I don't think I'll ever go back. I'm here to experience it all and wouldn't trade it for anything.

Okay...I'm not completely honest. There's been one thing about being a mom that I've had a difficult time dealing with, but it has nothing to do with Anna. It's been my struggle with losing my baby weight. I gained 55 pounds during my pregnancy...that's obscene and it's all my fault. I thought (thought is the key word) that i'd lose it in a few weeks (HA!). As all of my other girlfriends' pounds just simply melted away, I was stuck seven months later with an extra 10 pounds. BUT...today I have some GREAT news. After stopping nursing and really sticking to my diet, I'm happy to report that I made it to 135 pounds (only a couple of pounds away from my original weight). I'm BACK BABY!

This is it for this Mommy Update, but there will be more!

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