Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Summer School and More

Anna and I started our Mom and Toddler classes at Cardinal Bernadine Early Childhood Center (Anna's future pre-school). It's a brand new experience for both of us. Anna's had to learn to clean up and play quietly, while I've had to really learn about the Montessori educational philosophy...autonomy, responsibility, respect and all of the other great qualities Anna is learning about.

Since she started school, her language development has been improving everyday. We're up to close to 50 words. My favorites are Anemone, Octopus, "W" and Apple. Just today she called her pacifire (yes, I know she shouldn't have them) a Boppy...too cute!

This summer has also included a LOT of outside playtime (in the backyard and at the park), lunch dates, bbq's, days at the zoo, afternoons with Grandma, weekends up at Lake Geneva and lots and lots of water.

It's been more than I could have ever much fun. Her little best summer friends include Ben (the bestie next door), Addy, Luca, Piper and more.

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